Placing Sussex business at the heart of Local Skills Improvement Plans

Welcome to the Future Skills Sussex Local Skills Improvement Plan.

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People collaborating in an office.


Our vision, and that of our partners, is to work together under one umbrella to support the people and businesses across Sussex, to speak with one voice and make a lasting impact.

Anna Christie, Chief Executive, Sussex Chamber of Commerce

Ana Christie

Chief Executive, Sussex Chamber of Commerce

The Future Skills Sussex Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is the result of extensive research and consultation with employers, education and skills providers, strategic partners and wider stakeholders across Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, West Sussex and beyond.

It sets out the Sussex-wide skills challenges, gaps and needs emerging from our findings and has established clear priorities needed for change.

The LSIP report and associated annexes can be found here.

Our priorities for change

Support employers in Sussex to recruit, retain and upskill their workforce.

Ensure a joined-up approach to meeting the skills needs in Sussex as identified by local businesses.

A woman using a tablet device in a hair salon.

Build a profile for and raise awareness of the key sectors in Sussex.

Ensure training and employment in Sussex is open and accessible to all.

Speak with one voice in Sussex to influence national and local policy using an evidence-based approach.

A team in a business working.

Future Skills Sussex Improvement Framework

To deliver on our priorities, we have created the Future Skills Sussex Improvement Framework which provides a whole system approach to collaboration. The Framework consists of five themes which are interdependent and rely on partnership working for their success.  

A woman and man working together in an office.


Join us on our Journey

We’d love you to join us as we continue to deepen our understanding of the skills most needed to support local economic growth, boost productivity and improve prosperity.

To stay updated, collaborate and contribute, please leave us your details and we’ll be in touch.

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