Key Sectors Intelligence

Through our research and further analysis of data and existing reports and strategies, we have identified seven key sectors in Sussex that are crucial to the future economic success of the area.

LSIP Key Sectors

To build a deeper understanding of these key sectors, we carried out extensive research and engaged with employers and wider stakeholders across Sussex to give us broad baseline of quantitative and qualitative evidence. ​We have produced a Deep Dive Evidence Base Report for each sector which covers skills demand, skills supply, careers initiatives, local and regional strategy, and cross-cutting themes such as net zero and equality, diversity and inclusion.

The reports look at what employers want from provision and set out the specific skills components and competencies they need in the workplace but are struggling to find. They also look at what current skills/training provision exists within the area and explain where and why changes in local provision are needed to better meet those needs.

A woman and man working together in an office.


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